Tree removal

Tree Surgery

Call 01689 609 644 or 07957 962 694

Ash tree removal with a structure defect to the main stem included bark, with cavity from a branch wound which lead to fungus spreading into the main stem deteriorating the tree to failure. The tree was felled and all waste was removed.  After assessment the tree was found to be unsafe to climb. The Ash tree was dismantled using a 100ft track MEWP. After removing all the limbs the trunk section was felled in one piece. The tree was processed on the ground.

Ash tree removal with a structure defect to the main stem included bark, with cavity from a branch wound which lead to fungus spreading into the main stem deteriorating the tree to failure. The tree was felled and all waste was removed.  After assessment the tree was found to be unsafe to climb. The Ash tree was dismantled using a 100ft track MEWP. After removing all the limbs the trunk section was felled in one piece. The tree was processed on the ground.